Why choose Windows NT ?
If your website uses (or will use) any of the following technologies, you'll need to be on an NT server:
MS-Front Page 2000
ASP (Active Server Pages)
DrumBeat 2000
SQL Server
Cold Fusion
These technologies do not run on our UNIX servers.
Windows NT pricing is higher because the servers are more labor intensive.
Why choose UNIX (LINUX) ?
If your website uses (or will use) any of the following technologies, you need to be on a UNIX server:
MySQL Server
Telnet Access
HoTMetal MIVA App Support
CGI Scripts
These technologies do not run on our NT servers.
(except for CGI, which will run, but usually runs much better on UNIX).
If you are unsure or don't know, please ask your webmaster or designer.
In most cases a UNIX server will work just fine.
Standard Features and Software
On all UNIX or NT accounts your server comes equipped with the following:
An advanced Control Panel
Unlimited POP Email Accounts
Anonymous FTP
Personal CGI-BIN Directory
Mail Forwarding
Email Autoresponders
Access to Raw Log Files
Unlimited FTP Updates
SSL Encryption (requires security certificate)
WebTrends Website Statistics/Traffic Reporting Tool
Standard Features and Software (NT only)
In addition to the above, NT accounts are also enabled for:
MS-Front Page 2000 Extensions
ASP (Active Server Pages)
DrumBeat 2000
Basic Plus, Corporate and Dedicated Accounts also get:
Real Media (Audio/Video) Server
SQL Server
Cold Fusion
Windows Media Server
Standard Features and Software (UNIX only)
In addition to the above, UNIX accounts are also enabled for:
MS-Front Page 98 Extensions
HoTMetal MIVA App Support
Basic Plus, Corporate and Dedicated Accounts also get:
Telnet Access (by request)
Real Media (Audio/Video) Server
MySQL Server
Windows Media Server
Plans and Pricing
Package A ( $55.00 p.mo. )
- Cart32 Support: 1 client
- Own Virtual Domain*
- Front Page Extensions
- 25 MB Disk Space
- Windows NT Server
- SSL using the Cart32.com domain
Package B ( $65.00 p.mo. )
- Cart32 Support: 1 client
- Own Virtual Domain*
- Front Page Extensions
- 75 MB Disk Space
- Windows NT Server
- SSL using the Cart32.com domain
Package C ( $75.00 p.mo. )
- Cart32 Support: 1 client
- Own Virtual Domain*
- Front Page Extensions
- 100 MB Disk Space
- Windows NT Server
- SSL using the Cart32.com domain
$75 Setup Fee
$55/Month Hosting
$30/Month Hosting (without Cart32)
$75 Setup Fee
$65/Month Hosting
$40/Month Hosting (without Cart32)
$75 Setup Fee
$75/Month Hosting
$50/Month Hosting (without Cart32)
SSL Secure Certificate for your own domain
$75 Setup Fee
$5 additional/month
$349 for Verisign certificate** or $125 for Thawte certificate**
** These prices are subject to change
* InterNIC/Domain name registration fee will be billed
to you separately